
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My Answer: Is it ok for a Christian to drink alcohol?

Opening paragraph is at the beginning of every "My Answer" blog:

Growing up as the son of a preacher, I was never further than a question to my parents, as well as a variety of other Godly influences, from what I thought I was supposed to believe about any spiritual matter. But as time passed, I studied God's word for myself and was challenged by all of them to do so. On some questions, my personal study only reinforced what I'd heard as a child. On others, I found that I differed somewhat from what I'd been taught along the way and that my understanding of scripture lead me to a few different places. (I'm not going to tell you whether my parents and I disagree on any of these questions. If you want to know that, you've TOTALLY missed the reason for the blog series or the challenge to you behind it!) I read 1 Peter 3:15, which says, "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..." I felt that this directive was calling me farther past just my hope of salvation, but about anything for which I felt a conviction within my faith. So I posted a series of questions on Facebook recently, challenging Christians to not debate issues, but to search for the WHY behind their convictions to these answers. I purposefully never posted my answers till now. This blog is not THE answer. It is MY answer according to my personal Bible study. I challenge you to find yours.

The first question you need to ask yourself really isn't the one posted in the title. The first question you need to ask is, "WHY am I asking this question?" When my parents told me not to go touch or do something, there'd be times I would get as close as I could to doing it, but not! Now my parents didn't let me get away with that kind of thing hardly ever, but many of you reading this, if you were told not to touch something, you'd put your finger so close to it that you couldn't wedge a frog's hair between your finger and the object, BUT YOU WOULDN'T BE TOUCHING IT! Right?

We Christians are the same way. We know we're not supposed to sin, but we want to know just how close we can get to sin and not cross that line in the sand. We think we can sneak up on sin and get our thrill fix before we call it a day. I've been there. I feel ya! But then asking the question from the title COULD (not does) show a heart issue where you want to tap into your inner "bad boy" and get it out. That issue needs to be resolved prior to this one. That's an integrity/character issue that you need to be honest with God about and move past before ever dealing with this question.

I stated yesterday that I run everything through two filters: scripture & wisdom. We'll get to the scripture part in a moment. But as for wisdom, let me say that if there has ever been a time in your life when you have abused alcohol, then this answer is a DEFINITIVE NO! There is no circumstance where you should put your health, testimony, your life on the line for a sip of an alcoholic beverage. Remember the question: "In light of my past failures, my present circumstances, and my future hopes and dreams, is this the wise thing to do?" For you sir/ma'am, the answer is no.

Godly Christians are on both sides of this issue. I must say that I even disagree with my father, whom I love and respect dearly, on this issue. The important thing to remember is that on whichever side you choose to come down, there are those who are to be just as respected and and acknowledged that their relationship with Jesus is just as valid as yours.

Now to the question at hand. Wine is mentioned throughout the Bible. I'm not going to list all the verses for you. That would be something that, at some point, you need to do for yourself. That was the whole purpose behind the Facebook exercise to begin with. From Noah getting drunk in Genesis 9, all the way throughout scripture, wine makes occasional appearances. The first recorded miracle of Jesus, Himself, was when He turned the water into wine at the wedding.

I've heard people say that they've researched the original Greek and Hebrew words and that wine, as it is referenced many times in scripture including the wedding miracle, was not wine as we know it today. That according to the original languages, it was three parts water and one part grape juice. Ok. Continuing, those on that side of the argument will say that different Greek or Hebrew words are used when referencing wine at other parts of the Bible when it admonishes us about getting drunk with wine. Again, ok. I can see how you've arrived at your conclusion.

My only issue is that no matter if it was three parts water or just one whole part wine, the Bible says we can get drunk off of it. There is no getting drunk without alcohol in the mix. There's getting FAT from too much grape juice! There's getting a bad case of the runs (diarrhea for you northern folk), but there's no getting drunk without alcohol.

And what about the wine at the wedding? Again, I have to reference scripture for this one. Those in attendance claimed that the wine, that up until seconds ago had been water, was the best wine. See, normally hosts would serve the best wine up front. Why? Because once people get alcohol moving through their system, not only does the band sound better, but the wine tastes better too! That's why I believe, and my conviction remains, that the wine that resulted from Jesus' wedding miracle was fermented. People who were drunk and shouldn't know any better said that it was the best. At that point, grape Kool-Aid would have tasted fermented to them. But they could distinguish this as the best.

What about the stumbling bock verse? Again, if we're going to cite that verse as the foundation for our convictions, in my opinion, we need to push away the Carnegie Deli Cheesecake, my dad's banana pudding, or the peach cobbler. Not that these things within themselves are bad, but sometimes the waistline gives evidence of possible gluttony in one's life. One is just as serious as the other. You can run the gamut with things that could be equally a stumbling block: speeding, movies, tv (soap operas?), gambling, you name it.

And know this. I've had an uncle that was a severe alcoholic. He chased my grandmother through her home with a baseball bat one time. He was beaten close to death and left naked in the snow. I've heard the stories and know well the potential. Yes, alcoholism can be dangerous! That is why I said above that if you've shown any form of addictive tendencies toward alcohol, your answer is always NO!

But for the rest of us, if we're going to look at it for its possible troubles it could cause, does that mean we need to cut out sex too? Over 50% of marriages end in divorce with many of them due to infidelity. We have teenage pregnancies, abortions, STD's, pornography, human sex trafficking. So do we say that we can't have sex due to the damage it can cause? Of course not! The issue is what our enemy has done in perverting a God-given gift into something twisted and sick.

My interpretation of scripture and my conviction tells me that scripture (except in cases of addiction stated above) does not speak against the consumption of alcohol, but rather the abuse of it and getting drunk from it. Drunkenness is against scripture. But I cannot arrive at total abstinence.

1 comment:

  1. good read kevin...I understand your point of view - where you are coming from since your parents are some of our life-long best friends - we sure miss them... and I've had this same discussion with my oldest son.. to the "stumbling block" issue.... I had a Godly youth minister that would always ask us students... over and over..... this question.... "what do you do different because you are a born-again Christian?" - I've never been able to walk away from that question that still burns in my memory. And today - if we are truthful - this kind of teaching of the Word of God, a call to living a Holy life, a life under the Holy Spirit's control.... is NOT TAUGHT today - the reason.... can't find leaders who know much about it - experienced this kind of life and power. When we went to youth camp in the summer, our pastors taught us doctrine, theology, a prayer life, a daily quiet time.....devotion..... sadly - this does not exist today - and there is a whole generation now that is no different from the world.... come off stage at a "christian concert" - the artist has 2 songs in CCM's top 20....ask the Godly bus driver to stop at the gas station so they can pick up some beers....I guess we were taught to have a life that backed up what your Christianity taught - yes - no one is perfect, we all failed miserably, but we knew God would never leave us or forsake us because we were taught the Scriptures at a early age - we were taught THEOLOGY....Why God chose to love us I'll never know....why God chose to send His Son to be my sacrifice I'll never understand this kind of love.... to this day it convicts me of my sin, when I realize the price HE paid for me - ok....thanks for the read and discussion... love you and your family as always..jvm


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