
Thursday, January 23, 2014

...and that's the way I WANT IT!!!!

I remember in the late 90's when I was serving a church in Ohio.  My Pastor there introduced me to the teachings of Dr. John C. Maxwell.  Maxwell has written numerous best-selling books on the subject of leadership, with his book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership being one of my favorites to this very day.  Back then, Maxwell was Pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, CA, and did a monthly mentoring club via cassette/CD called The Injoy Life Club, appropriately named for his company, Injoy.  This club sent leadership lessons to church leaders each month along with lesson notes for you to fill in the blanks.

In one of these lessons, John stated that he had not originally planned on being a pastor, but instead had a degree in counseling.  His story goes that he was so excited to be able to help those in need of hope, that he went into his first few counseling sessions with great enthusiasm!  But when they would report back to him the next week for the next session and he asked them how things were going, the response was mostly that things were going the same as they had been the week before!  Didn't he give good advice?  Of course, he did!  Sound and Biblical advice.  Was there follow-up?  Yes.  So you what was the issue?!?  The same one that exists today.  Those people didn't WANT to change!  They either loved the drama, or wanted the magic pill that made everything better with one single dose!

You know the people I'm talking about!  They're the people who always find themselves in the middle of some kind of situation.  They're mad at someone or someone else is mad at them.  They've been done wrong by a friend (usually former friend) or someone is causing a crisis type dilemma.  One thing is for certain, it is almost NEVER their fault!!!  Always quick to point out the faults in others while ignoring their own, they normally have some level of delusion of grandeur that has blinded them to the real truth of the circumstance.  I was counted among these people!  But thank God, I've been DELIVERED!!! :-)  Seriously, about five minutes of conversation and the negativity starts to boil out, IF it takes that long!  So you get the picture.  Maybe you got a better picture when you looked in the mirror!  Just sayin'.

So how do we overcome this?

1.  Speak Biblical truth.  This is where 99% of us will do EXACTLY...nothing.  We will be the ones about whom Dr. Maxwell remembered.  We may say that we're going to do it, but then it drops from the priority list quicker than last year's New Year Resolutions!  But you have GOT to start speaking OUT LOUD the things you WANT to be, not the things you think you ARE!  The Bible tells us who we are in Christ.  You've heard me talk about how I say some Biblical truth each day that is taken straight from scripture.  They are taped to my bathroom mirror at home so I see them every day to remind me.  If you would like a copy, click here and you will be directed to my blog where I listed them.  Print them off!  Use them!

2. Speak practical truth.  My pastor, Danny Chambers, recently spoke of a speaker he heard once who challenged the audience to put the phrase "and that's the way I WANT it!" right after everything they would say about themselves.  It teaches you to pay attention to the way you speak!

     "I'm sick...and that's the way I want it!"

              "I had a bad day at work...and that's the way I want it!"

                                 "I didn't get that contract at work...and that's the way I want it!"

If we start speaking the way God speaks about us and sings over us, we would start to see changes in our lives!  I HAVE!!!  Ask anyone that knows me and is close to me right now!  There is POWER in words!!!!

3.  Expect goodness.  But when trouble comes, recognize it for what it is.  Read by clicking here what scripture says in John 16:33.  That's not an option.  We should EXPECT goodness, but recognize trouble as just an attack to distract or discourage us.  Your biggest breakthroughs are often preceded by your biggest breakdowns.  Pastor Danny says, "The size of your challenge is usually an indication of the size of your future!"

4.  Worship in your pain.  David did.  Click here.  David had just had to pretend to be insane and Abimilech had sent him away.  And he starts exalting the name of Christ.  Worship does two things in our pain.  First, it takes the focus OFF of our pain and puts it ON Christ.  When we focus on other things, we can't focus on present trials.  And second, it creates an attitude of hopeful expectation for God to step in and work.  These are the ways He responds best!!!  Write this down: "What you magnify will mess you up or lift you up!"  Are you magnifying Christ, or do your words magnify your problem?

Most people win or lose their battles on the battlefield that's between their ears - their minds.  What you entertain there will manifest into speech.  What you speak manifests into your life and who you are.  BE CAREFUL!  BE WISE!!!

I could go on and on here with what God has taught me.  But this is enough for now.  I have a feeling you may need to start practicing putting "and I want it that way" after everything you say about yourself.  Know that I'm praying for you as you get this and read it and hopefully start applying it.

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THANK YOU for stopping by!  Till next time...


  1. Love this! Thanks for writing this, it's a great reminder to focus in God's word and the power in our speech! Love you babe!


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