
Monday, March 31, 2014

King Me

In the game of Checkers, one of the goals is to get your game piece safely across to the opponent's side of the board.  When one does, an additional game piece is stacked on top and the game piece is "kinged."  At that point, that piece can move forward and backward having much more control over the board and is much more dangerous.  A general rule of thumb is that the more kings you have, the greater your chance of winning!  We'll come back to this in a moment.

As I was at the time of my last blog, I'm still studying the Biblical account of Gideon in the book of Judges in the Old Testament.  Gideon was used by God to fight a battle against the Midianites in which Israel was the victor.  God delivered the army of Midian into the hands of His people and the Israelites never fired an arrow nor drew a sword.  Click on the scripture reference that follows and read this brief account:  Judges 7:15-22.

Each armed with only a torch, a water pitcher, and a ram's horn trumpet, the 300 men stood against over 120,000!!!  Yes, you heard right!  They were outnumbered over 400:1!!!  And none of them had swords or arrows.  They did just as God had instructed them, and the battle was won because God had gone before them.  Students of scripture see the delivering hand of God all throughout the Bible.  This is but just one account!

Afterward, however, the people of Israel gave Gideon too much credit.  They wanted him to be their king!  See, Israel, at this point in history, had not ever had a human king.  God was their King!  And God wished to remain their King!  But Israel looked at all the other nations.  They had kings.  And Israel also thought that having a human royal on the throne would increase their respect among other nations who might look at them as having no ruler, thus being a weaker nation.  So, in their minds, why shouldn't Israel have a king too?  And their acknowledgement of God as their King, at best, seemed to be in a bit of a revolving door depending on what day it was and the circumstances in which they found themselves.

Prior to Gideon, Israel had been worshipping an idol, Baal.  Gideon's own father had an altar to Baal at the family home and Gideon, himself, had grown up in a family that acknowledged Baal as god in their worship.  But God sought out Gideon and appeared to him personally.  This encounter would spur the events that would lead to the victory described above where God handed Israel the Midianites.

Now understand, this wasn't the first time God had come to the rescue!  Remember the whole giving Moses the ten commandments thing?  Or the parting of the Red Sea?  Or manna being given from heaven?  Or water from a rock?  The list could go on, but those are a few highlights.  Still, Israel never seemed to learn their lesson!  They always wanted the tangible.  They sought multiple gods in some cases craving the tangible that they could ascribe glory rather than Jehovah God.

Every time I've studied scripture in my life, I've always found myself trying to identify with one character.  The one I've always felt most like is David, for many reasons.  Moses may be next.  But for the first time that I can remember, I found myself identifying with an entire people group: Israel.  When I look at my life, it is marked with moments of being "on fire for God" followed by a total shunning of Him by my actions.  Peter's denial of knowing Jesus right before the crucifixion has nothing on me.  My actions have denied Jesus so many times.  I took my eyes off the Faithful for the tangible.

Now back to my opening thought.  I've played Checkers with my worship.  Instead of it being more like Chess, where there is one king and every piece acts to defend the king, I've sought out as many kings as I could get!  We seek out kings in our jobs, our finances, possessions, houses, even in our churches!  We want the best, the brightest, the one that's going to get us noticed, the status symbol.  We're no better that the people of Israel melting down earrings to form golden idols of false gods on whom to ascribe their worship.  Ours just take on different shapes than theirs.

Sometimes our kings become things that even should be important!  Our children, our marriages, our friends, our ministries - but when we fail to have God in the sole authority slot of our lives as the King, the rest of the stuff that should be important and that should matter, suddenly no longer matters at all.

Ask yourself some questions:
1.  What is my first filter that I run most of my life decisions through?
2.  Is there anything I'm not sure I could do without even if God asked me to?
3.  What am I most proud of in my life?
4.  What is the drive behind my life's ambition and vision?
5.  With what area of my life would my family and friends most readily define me?

Whatever the answer to the questions, especially if the answer is the same to more than one of them, could be an idol in your life and has take God's place as king (or kings) on the throne of your heart.  It's a hard thing to see, isn't it?  It was for me.  I never wanted to be "that guy."  But Israel was a nation FULL of "those guys!"

The good news is that yesterday is gone.  It no longer matters.  Forgiveness is here, right now, in the person of Jesus.  And tomorrow isn't yet written.  It's not the king stacks on your life's board that matter!  It's the King.  It's Chess, not Checkers.

Don't forget to use the social media just below here to share to your Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ accounts directly.  I welcome your comments!  PLEASE leave one!!!  Here's how:
1.  Click on the words "No Comment" or " (#) Comment" (whichever is listed just to the right of the posting time directly below this paragraph)
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4.  Click the PUBLISH button.  THAT'S IT!!!

THANK YOU for stopping by!  Till next time...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Questions & Purpose

Michael Mushok, Aaron Lewis, Jonathan Wysocki, & John April
Recorded by: Michael Card

Could it be You make Your presence known so often by Your absence
Could it be that questions tell us more than answers ever do
Could it be that You would really rather die than live without us
Could it be the only answer that means anything is You

When Michael Card was cool, I didn't know who he was.  Quite frankly, aside from knowing him as one of the icons of Contemporary Christian Music, I still don't, really.  But the first time I heard him sing this lyric, which hasn't been but about 6-7 years ago (the song is much older), Michael Card became a part of that list of artists who brought us songs that changed our lives.  The verses are ok, but it was this chorus that really hit me!  And this week, years after hearing the song, God may have, for the first time, shown me why.

For my entire life, I've heard the old phrase, "Ye have not because ye ask not."  Scripture says, "Ask and you will receive."  Click on this scripture reference and see it again from the very mouth of Jesus!  These words would be in red letters of a red letter edition Bible.  Read John 14:13-14.  See the recurring theme?  This week, as I was doing my Bible study, I came across one other verse I want you to read.  Click this scripture reference: Ephesians 3:20.  So not only is God telling us to "ask," but He's also showing us in the latter verse that He can accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or imagine!

Ok.  Great!  God can and wants to do that for each of us!  But how many of you know that it don't always happen like that?!?  I've made the bad choices!  I've been to the bottom!  I've been the guy with the gun to his head vowing to take his life because I'd messed up, lost it all, and didn't know what came next!  And in that moment, when I was wanting the answers to those questions of what comes next, I ASKED!!!  Nothing.  No next step was given.  No trust building, faith building answer that I expected after all those sermons I heard about "asking God" and the "answer is already on the way."  BS!!!  (To be quite frank.)  It wasn't!  I felt just as alone as I was before I ever asked the question!

Then...this past finally hit me.  I didn't need the answer.  I already had it!  Not to be cliché or steal an old lyric from André Crouch, but JESUS IS THE ANSWER!  In Exodus 3:13-14 (click on the reference to read it), Moses was being sent by God to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage. So Moses asks God to give him God's name so that the Israelites will know that it really is God who is sending him.  "What's your name, God?"  "I AM."  God was the way out back then.  He parted the sea, took care of the pursuing army, the whole nine!  He made the way!

This happens throughout scripture.  He made a way for Joseph when his brothers sold him into slavery.  He made a way for Daniel in the lion's den, Noah on the ark, 3 Hebrew children in the fiery furnace, Jonah in the belly of a whale, David when facing the wrath of both Goliath and Saul, Paul when he was facing stoning, fed 5 thousand men and their families with 5 loaves and 2 fish, calmed the storm when fear overtook His disciples, died on a cross for the sins of the world, and conquered death and the grave when He rose again!  God makes the impossible possible, and the impassable passable.  THERE IS A WAY AND HIS NAME IS 'I AM'!!!

So then, if we know the answer, why ask the question?  And here is the precious gem of a lesson that God taught me this week: because we learn not just from asking the question, but asking the right question!  Think about it this way.  Remember algebra class?  I HATED algebra!!!  Almost failed it both years I had to take it!  They give you some ridiculous thing like: a + b/c = 32.  Then they'd want me to solve it!  I'm like, DUDE!  The answer is 32!!!  That's what the "=" thingy means!!!  DONE!! Move on!!  But we learn more in algebra many times from what's on the left of the equals sign!

I know so many people that hit their faith ceiling at God granting them a close parking space at Walmart!  They get out and claim, "I must be living RIGHT!"  Hey God gives me those kinds of spaces too, but I don't know about YOU, but I want to be known for more when I die than the fact i was consistently getting the best parking spaces at Wallyworld!!!  Here's the new math that I've learned for my life: my giftings and talents + my desire to seek the heart of God in all I do ÷ my willingness to obey = God's response and blessing in my life.  Now honestly, maybe not EVERYTHING can be boiled down to a formula!  God will not be bound by those!!!  But if you use this as a general rule of thumb...

See we spend our time asking things like:
   "Which job...?"
   "Who will I marry...?"
   "Should I go out to eat tonight...?"
It's not that questions like that don't matter to God, THEY DO!!!  But  God doesn't stop there!  Think past that!!!

So I hear you saying, "Alright, Mr. Smarty Jeans, what would YOU suggest I ask?!?  WHERE DO I START?!?"  Thank you for asking.  Let me tell you a short story and then I'll give you A place (not THE place) where you can start.

Alfred Nobel.  His last name is probably best known for being the namesake of the Nobel Peace Prize.  But it wasn't always that way.  Alfred made his money as an inventor.  Know what he invented that made him so wealthy?  DYNAMITE!  One day, Alfred's brother died.  The local newspaper made a mistake and posted that it had indeed been Alfred who had passed!  So the next morning, Alfred got the chance to do what I dare say few ever have, he read his own obituary!  A French newspaper titled it: The Merchant of Death Is Dead.  Upon reading it, he just couldn't let death be that for which his legacy would mark him, so he instead promoted peace and the Nobel Peace Prize was born.  (Thanks, Jamie Brandenburg, for sharing this story with me!)

I'm going to ask you to start by taking a lesson from Nobel.  I want you to write your own obituary and your own epitaph (that small phrase on your tombstone that will tell generations following you who you were: "loving husband," "devoted father," "gracious, kind and forgiving").  I don't think any of these would be your first choice:
   "Always got front parking spaces at Walmart"
   "#1 Manager in this district"
   "Had 3 houses and 10 cars...they're not here, by the way"

NO!  We want to know we left a legacy that made the world better than we found it!  It doesn't have to be global!  As a matter of fact, the very first place we're commanded to make a difference is in our immediate spheres of influence: families, friends, children, work places.  See?  Once you have what's on the right side of the equals sign (=), there are only so many problems/questions that can lead to that answer.  The answer dictates the question!  It's not just that we ask, it's what we ask!  Is it in line with God's heart for the world?  For YOU?!?

To find that answer, pray.  Ask God to let you see you through His eyes.  Give up your pride and your preconceived notions about you and just trust.  Look at the ways He has gifted you--spiritually.  I'm not talking about talents here.  Sometimes they're involved, but I'm speaking of your Spiritual Gifts.  Are you a giver?  Compassionate?  A Helper?  Teacher?  Pastor/Shepherd?  Leader?  Prophet?  Evangelist?  And the list goes on.  Those core gifts will be at the core of the purpose for which God has placed you here.  Those are the very DNA of God that marks who you are on this earth.

Remember our song that we started with?  "Could it be the questions tell us more than answers ever do... Could it be the only answer that means anything is You?"  YES!  They do!  And yes, He is.

Don't forget to use the social media just below here to share to your Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ accounts directly.  I welcome your comments!  PLEASE leave one!!!  Here's how:
1.  Click on the words "No Comment" or " (#) Comment" (whichever is listed just to the right of the posting time directly below this paragraph)
2.  Write your comment in the box provided.
3.  You must also choose a selection from the COMMENT AS drop down list.  If you have a Google+ ID, AIM, or other you wish to use, choose that.  Most of you should choose the  NAME/URL option and leave your name in the space provided.  You do NOT need to leave a URL unless you wish.
4.  Click the PUBLISH button.  THAT'S IT!!!

THANK YOU for stopping by!  Till next time...