Opening paragraph is at the beginning of every "My Answer" blog:
Growing up as the son of a preacher, I was never further than a question to my parents, as well as a variety of other Godly influences, from what I thought I was supposed to believe about any spiritual matter. But as time passed, I studied God's word for myself and was challenged by all of them to do so. On some questions, my personal study only reinforced what I'd heard as a child. On others, I found that I differed somewhat from what I'd been taught along the way and that my understanding of scripture lead me to a few different places. (I'm not going to tell you whether my parents and I disagree on any of these questions. If you want to know that, you've TOTALLY missed the reason for the blog series or the challenge to you behind it!) I read 1 Peter 3:15, which says, "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..." I felt that this directive was calling me farther past just my hope of salvation, but about anything for which I felt a conviction within my faith. So I posted a series of questions on Facebook recently, challenging Christians to not debate issues, but to search for the WHY behind their convictions to these answers. I purposefully never posted my answers till now. This blog is not THE answer. It is MY answer according to my personal Bible study. I challenge you to find yours.
I must say that I was VERY surprised when I posted this question! There were some very hard feelings on both sides of this issue! After the subject of a Christian drinking alcohol, I thought I would ask a relatively light question in theme. But there was nothing "light" about the responses that I read from those who answered. As a matter of fact, it was BY FAR the most debated topic of any question asked. Following this posted question, I actually had to list "NO DEBATING" as a "rule" for responding to the posts. Some didn't like that. That's fine with me. You have your own Facebook page and you can post anything you want. :-)
This also became the one exception when I actually posted an answer to my own question on my Facebook page. That was never my intention to do. However, given the heated discussion that had occurred, I felt that I needed to weigh in. I'm still not sure if that was the best thing to do, but it's what I did. What follows is the skeleton of the way I responded with a few added thoughts.
So here's my take on the whole tattoo thing. The only time I can find in scripture where tattoos are actually mentioned is here: Leviticus 19:28. Please understand that I am NOT one of those guys who claim that the Old Testament of the Bible is no longer valid because we are under grace now and not the old law. While there are parts of the old law that have gone the way of the Dodo Bird, there are still parts that are valid today. Let me explain briefly.
There are three different types of law in our Old Testament canon that we use today. They are Cultural Law, Ceremonial Law, and Moral Law. Cultural and Ceremonial Laws are indeed no longer valid. Moral Law is still very much valid and is alive and well today. It transcends the Old and New Testaments. The Moral Law states that death is the only payment for sin. When Jesus died on the cross, He became that death payment for our sin: past, present, and future. By fulfilling the debt requirement for our sin, Jesus said, "I haven't come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it." Moral Law still stands! It is the standard by which our actions are measured. It, along with the conviction of the Holy Spirit, is the main way that we know when we are in dangerous proximity to, or have committed a sin. And there was no angry God in the OT and a loving God in the NT. He says in Malachi 3, "I am the Lord, I do not change."
This passage in Leviticus is a part of Ceremonial or Cultural Law, not Moral. If you read the verses surrounding 28, you will see that in those days, tattoos were given to worshipers of pagan gods. Back then, they marked to which god they were loyal and gave them a form of identity in that regard. Today, that's not always the case. And besides, if we are going to use this verse, then that makes the verse about men shaving just as valid an issue with God! If you shaved today, guys, you're in trouble! Or look a few verses down where it talks about lying in reference to weight and measures. Some of us would be in BIG TIME trouble on Facebook lying about weight! No, this is not a valid argument, in my opinion, for not having a tattoo. It's fine to not like them! But don't start throwing God into the mix by making Him say something He didn't say by using verses out of context.
Next question deals with cremation. Later, guys.
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