2013 brought so many things, and almost all of it good!!! I could tell you story after story of the way God showed His mighty awesomeness in our lives over the last 12-18 months! But there are two things wrong with that scenario. First, I'm really wanting to concentrate on the year that is, as I type this, in its fading moments. Second, the LAST thing I want is for this blog to have the tone of a bad Christmas letter!
So instead of reliving moments in my life that have nothing to do with you, my reader, I want to instead leave you with some life lessons that I've learned (or RElearned) that I hope will make a lasting difference in your lives as well. I honestly don't know that I could create an exhaustive list, but I'm going to pray and ask God to remind me of the ones that need to be included here. He knows who will be reading this and what all of you need to hear most.
1. God adores us. My friend, Debby Berry, says this all the time. Two years ago, because of decisions I had made personally, I called Debby. At the time, I would've said it was coincidence. From what I know now, it was a Divine appointment! She was the first person who drilled that into my head. I'd never heard it put that way before. A few months later, I remember laying in the altar of Gateway Church in Texas and God speaking to me so clearly saying, "You just need to let me love on you. Cast every worry on me. Nothing matters except that you let me love you." Since those conversations, I now wake up knowing that my Father in heaven ADORES me!!! Not for what I've done, mind you! That would disappoint even the holders of low standards! But because He made me, died for me, and still sees in me what He made me to be and knows my potential for His kingdom. And the same is true for YOU! Say it with me, "God adores me." Feels good, huh? Thanks, Debby, for that simple, yet life-changing lesson.
2. We don't deserve to be happy. Now before my fan mail starts crashing this server, hear me out. See, I tried that. Here's what I found. Happiness can be achieved only for fleeting moments at a time. It is not a sustainable state. But humanity gives a daily valiant effort at making it such and trying to convince the world that it's possible! Ok. So, I challenge you. Name ONE person that has sustained happiness. Not asking for a top ten list, not even three. Just one. Singular. YOU CAN'T! Because nobody has!!! Most people have for a time, but then it fades away like morning dew. Scripture tells us that we will face trials. Ever known anyone to jump up and scream, "YAY!!! Another TRIAL!!!! I'm so happy life tests me like this. BRING IT!!!" Me either. Not being serious, anyway. God was guaranteeing times of unhappiness. He knew they would come with frequency. He wants two things for us: joy & contentment. The first is from Him through Jesus. That kind of joy is sustainable. The second comes from experiencing the joy of knowing Christ. And when you add them together, you know what results? Happiness. Again, not sustained. But certainly more common and longer lasting than any we would hope to find in our own pursuits. So seek Jesus first. Then rest in the contentment that He brings. There, you will find the happiness you seek.
3. The importance of your spouse choice. Married people, don't cut me off here! I have come to realize full well that I love Michelle, my wife, more than the day I married her. Now there are a LOT of reasons why that this blog has no hope of provision for naming, but that's not the point. Whether you're dating or married, distractions happen. Distractions hinder the decision making process. Focus is key. Keep your eyes where they should be, and everything else will follow suit. Feel me? When distractions come, be strong in your resolve. Have accountability in your life of some sort. There is no wake up call that will hit you as hard as realizing too late that you made a mistake you can't take back. Nobody's perfect. I get that. But you have no idea the power of the devil where this is concerned, and you'd be wise to wise up! Pray over who you date AND who you marry. And NEVER STOP!!!
4. Speak truth into your life out loud daily!!! I grew up Southern Baptist. This is not something we did or that I was ever taught in Sunday School growing up. And I'm not talking about "prosperity gospel," at least what I always heard that phrase meant anyway. I'm not telling you to start claiming a Mercedes Benz and expect it in your driveway! But I am saying that we speak ourselves into the situations in which we find ourselves. My Pastor, Danny Chambers, said, "Who you are is who you've been saying you are for the last two years." I believe that. I've heard believers in Jesus say, "I can't... I won't... God didn't...." They'll talk about being a "realist" about their lives and situations. They've forgotten whose they are! I have a list of statements hanging on my bathroom mirror that Jamie Brandenburg, a buddy of mine here in Nashville, gave me. All of them are based on scripture and are just statements about who we are in Christ. I wrote them in a recent blog for you to be able to have and use. You can see them by clicking here. Go and print then off. Tweak them if you want. Add, subtract, it's your life you're speaking truth into. Make it your own! But you will see HUGE results if you do!!! I'm giving you personal testimony to that fact!!! Life is all about perspective, and saying things like this out loud daily helps keep a right perspective in our lives. Another quote by Pastor Danny says, "The Israelites looked at Goliath and said, 'He's so big we can't KILL him!' David looked at Goliath and said, 'He's so big I can't MISS him!'" It's all in perspective.
As I said early on, this isn't an exhaustive list. I think 4 is doable for anyone in any situation. Most of you will think that this was a nice blog and just close it. No, I'm not going to ask you to do a chain letter! I just want you to experience all God has for you. Just USE what Ive given you! If it doesn't work, I give you permission to call me a liar. But if it does, and I truly believe it will, then you can share it at your discretion. And no, your love of Jesus won't be affected if you don't! :-) I'm greatly annoyed by those emails and posts!
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